Welcome to my blog for my trip to South Africa!

Follow me again to the southern hemisphere; this time to South Africa for a Jan Term study abroad with Whitworth University (January 2-30, 2010). Please feel free to comment on my posts or contact me via email (llichten10@my.whitworth.edu) concerning my blogging.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Post-trip update

Well, I've been back since Saturday night now, and I'm gonna have to confess that the jet-lag is actually affecting me; the last two nights I couldn't fall asleep until around 2/3 am, and then awoke before the break of dawn (it's wintertime here, so dawn breaks a bit later than in the southern hemisphere right now)... so at 7. My body refused to fall back asleep, despite what my brain wanted.

As for the illness, I went into our campus' Health Center first thing yesterday morning (hey, since I was already up and about, I might as well get stuff done, right?). It turns out, I have a double ear infection, and so in addition to this nasty saline nasal wash that I have to shoot up one side of my nose and then let drain out of the other nostril, I have some antibiotics to alleviate the symptoms of the swollen ear drums and break up the fluids in my head so that I can hear clearly once again, and not have that annoying tickle in my ear/nose/throat. It will be soooo nice not to hear everything as if I'm under water!

Anyway, that's my little update. Had a night class last night, and no classes today; just a lot of meetings and paperwork, getting the ball rolling once again for classes and clubs and work and blah, blah, blah.

Check out the new Jamaica blog: http://lara-in-jamaica.blogspot.com when you have time; I'll be setting it up with a little info about that upcoming trip (March 20-27).