Welcome to my blog for my trip to South Africa!

Follow me again to the southern hemisphere; this time to South Africa for a Jan Term study abroad with Whitworth University (January 2-30, 2010). Please feel free to comment on my posts or contact me via email (llichten10@my.whitworth.edu) concerning my blogging.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fall Semester Just Ended...

So, fall 2009 has come and gone, and I am packing to leave my dorm room in East Hall, which I have come to call 'home' during my time at Whitworth University. It is Christmas break, and to think in only two weeks, I will be packed (or packing) to embark on our South Africa Jan Term trip! After a semester of the prep course for the Jan Term class abroad, I can say that I have a much more informed grasp and understanding on South African history, culture, politics, economy, social demographics, and a bit of what to expect.

Our itinerary is rigorous, but I look forward to it muchly, especially after all that I have heard from Sue Jackson, our study abroad coordinator at Whitworth, who is South African. She has given me a list of things I ought to make sure to do while traveling the country: go to the market theater in Johannesburg, and also the Maynardville theater. Before leaving for S. Af., when I go home this break, I am supposed to read "Master Harold and the Boys," by Ethel Fugard, as well as "Sizwe Banzi Is Dead," both which are plays that Sue highly recommends.

The group of 26 students and three professors proves to be a diverse group, but anticipated to be interesting, I'm sure! I hope to be fully rested and refreshed after a week and a half or so of the holidays with family and friends. Stay tuned!

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