Welcome to my blog for my trip to South Africa!

Follow me again to the southern hemisphere; this time to South Africa for a Jan Term study abroad with Whitworth University (January 2-30, 2010). Please feel free to comment on my posts or contact me via email (llichten10@my.whitworth.edu) concerning my blogging.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The eve of traveling to South Africa

I know I need to get to sleep now in order to be rested for the 36 hours of travel that loom before me (yeah, probably should have done that two hours ago...).

Well, I have finished with packing (thanks for helping me choose which socks and shirts and other garments to take, Aud! (; ), and now am emailing and doing last-minute tasks. My lists are nearly completely checked off! Only a few preparations remain for the morning. Tomorrow, my parents will take me to Eric's house, near the SeaTac airport, in order for me to drop off my stuff that I'll not be hauling across the globe with me to Africa. (Those items will await our return in a month when we head back to the east side, Whitworth-bound for the spring term). From Eric's house, in the afternoon, we'll get to the airport with plenty of time to spare, especially seeing as how many airports are currently taking even more security precautions due to the Christmas attempted terrorist attack on Flight 253 (http://edition.cnn.com/2009/OPINION/12/30/townsend.what.went.wrong.airplane.bomb/index.html?iref=allsearch). Our travel itinerary is as follows:

Saturday, Jan. 2 Evening:

Leave: Seattle, 6:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Sunday, Jan. 3 Travel Day:

Arrive: London, Heathrow 11:55 am (3:55 am, PST (Seattle))

Depart: London 7:20 pm (11:20 am, PST)

Monday, Jan. 4 Morning:

Arrive: Cape Town 8:50 am (10:50pm on Sunday, PST)

It should be a long few days ahead, but I have brought enough to entertain myself, not to mention that there will be many wonderful people accompanying me on this trip, with whom I may converse and learn about! ...and just maybe I will catch some shut eye?

I am excited and anticipant in hopes for what awaits me in the coming month- all the travels and learning from the sights to be seen, interactive experiences and people with whom to converse, lectures to be heard, and relationships to be built.

I covet prayer support throughout this journey and hope to get a blogpost up upon arrival... before climbing Table Mountain and then finally plopping my head down on a pillow on Monday night in South Africa, after 36 hours of travel + another full day of mountain climbing and adjusting to S.A. time! Blessings to you all!

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