Welcome to my blog for my trip to South Africa!

Follow me again to the southern hemisphere; this time to South Africa for a Jan Term study abroad with Whitworth University (January 2-30, 2010). Please feel free to comment on my posts or contact me via email (llichten10@my.whitworth.edu) concerning my blogging.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Week Come and Gone...

There is just so much to write about, I'm not sure where to begin! So, basically:

We just finished a lovely week in Cape Town, in the province of the Western Cape (see the map link that can be accessed at left, detailing the country of South Africa). What a lovely place it is, with water, and Table Mountain, and views from all around of mountains. In summary of our days:

Monday: Climbed Table Mountain in the afternoon after eating lunch in an upscale mall. Wow. After driving through areas of extreme poverty along the 20-minute drive to Century City, what a shock the stark contrast of a wealthy upper class mall was. Much like the difference in some areas of Costa Rica, Mexico, or other developing countries. Anyway, we went to Table Mountain. What a lovely view! Bit of a story here... We got 'lost' on the table top of the mountain and couldn't find our way because we were on a trail that was off the map, resulting in a trek on the wrong side of the plateau. We nearly ran across trails that had not-quite-so-even footing, let's say, just bordering the ledge of a 1,000-meter drop. Arriving a 1/2 hour late to our meeting time, we felt awful, to say the least, especially since we had to wait in a super long line to get back down the mountain, the only way being via gondola cable car, with everyone else and their mothers. Monday night, we stayed at the Century City hotel to catch up after traveling through London and jet lag (slept 10 hours that night, after more than 48 hours without solid sleep).

Tuesday: In the morning, we visited museums (the Slave Museum and the South African National Museum) and the Company Gardens, where there was much history to be learned. We lunched near the Mandela Gateway, where we caught the ferry boat to Robben Island. We met a group of 20-something guys from Johannesburg (Joburg) who were on their way over; that made the trip a bit more interesting at times. Anyway, Robben Island was a heavy place. But I did see my first real-life penguins! Anyway, that all will have to be discussed at another time, for I am lacking it at the moment!

Wednesday: In the morning, we went to District Six, an area with much history and hurt, visiting a museum. Then we took a tour of some of the poorer areas, to regions of the city of Cape Town, called townships, where we witnessed much poverty and the horrible conditions that humanity is faced with, after years of apartheid oppression. That evening, we moved from the hotel to home stays in the township of Mandalay, with middle-class coloured or black families.

Thursday: We visited the "Little Angels" shelter, a non-profit organization run by a couple who take in around 10 children (oftentimes the unwanted non-white babies with HIV/AIDS, or other disabilities), as well as commit themselves to work around Cape Town for the cause of alieviating the never-ending problem of unwanted children. In the afternoon, we traveled to Simon's Town, along the beach near the Indian Ocean, and listened to a talk delivered by the former chaplain to Nelson Mandela, Peter Storey. This talk was very enlightening. Went to a beach and saw more penguins after that.

Friday: this was our lecture day. We visited the main hospital and went to the University of Cape Town, where we heard professors speak. Then we spent time with our host families in Mandalay, having a little goodbye dinner and party.

Saturday: We left Cape Town and headed up toward Stellenbosch, on the eastern side of the Western Cape Province. Did some wine tasting and had a fabulous lunch.

This weekend, we are staying at the Volmoed Retreat Center. More to come on this. A relaxing, recooperating time after all that we have been taking in this week.

Some photos have been uploaded onto my facebook album: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=111761&id=507112029&l=1d9d155415 (you might have to copy-paste that address into your browser; I'm not sure if it's an active link).

I didn't really have time to put up captions, but they highlight just bits and pieces: from traveling, London, Century City hotel recoop and hangout, Table Mountain, lunch at the waterfront, touring Robben Island, touring townships, host stays with coloured/black families in township of Mandalay

To come soon, hopefully (since these photos are on another memory stick that I don't have time to upload at the moment): sights of Simon's Town, Boulder's Beach (Indian Ocean and penguins!), Chapman's Peak scenic drive, host fam goodbye and leaving Cape Town area, heading east in the Western Cape province to Stellenbosch and the vineyards, a visit at a winery, the Volmoed Retreat Center and Hermanus beach stay

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